Contract and Grant Accounting provides the University of New Mexico’s research community with professional expertise and quality customer service in the management of external funding. We strive to provide guidance and support to ensure compliance with UNM policy, state law, federal regulations and agency terms and conditions of funding.
The Effort Certification process has been corrected and will open again on Monday, February 10, 2025 to begin Pre-Review and Certification.
Please use this link to complete the Pre-Review and Certification process https://lobowebapp.unm.edu/EmployeeSelfServiceAdmin/. The old way through LoboWeb will not work.
Thank you for your patience as we worked with IT to get this resolved.
The Controller Closeout Memo has been updated as of 08/27/2024. You can see it here. Please read carefully as there are some changes. The memo discusses an ability to request an extension on the expenditure posting and Closeout Reconciliation Form deadlines. You can download the form here or from the “Forms” section of our webpage. If there are any questions, email indexcga@unm.edu.
Building Access Control Update: In order to support a safe and secure campus environment for our Lobo community, UNM’s John and June Perovich Business Center located at Lomas and University has building access control for both the main building and the HR Service Center. All UNM students, faculty, staff, retirees, and affiliates who have a UNM Lobo ID card with proximity privileges will use their UNM Lobo ID card to gain access to the building during normal business hours. Those who do not have a UNM Lobo ID with proximity privileges will still be able to gain access to the building by using the air phone located outside the building.